Phone # 574-295-8392
Fax# 574-293-6878
Elkhart Housing Authority
1396 Benham Ave. Elkhart Indiana 46516
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Portability means that your voucher can be used in any location that has a Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program.
The Elkhart Housing Authority (EHA) will work with clients to help them transfer from Elkhart to a new location or to relocate to the Elkhart Area.
There are basic guidelines that must be followed. A client must be in good standing with the EHA and their landlord to port their voucher out. New voucher holders wishing to port their voucher must have a minimum residency in Elkhart of twelve months.
Porting Out Procedures:
Current participants that wish to port their voucher out of Elkhart must notify EHA in writing that they wish to exercise portability and transfer their assistance to another HCV Program. This can be done by filling out a portability interest form. Portability cannot be requested more than 60 days in advance of anticipated move date.
An EHA Housing Specialist must approve the portability transfer according to its Administration Plan and HUD regulations. The client must be in good standing with the EHA, with no major lease or program violations within the past year, and not owe any outstanding monies. Clients must provide proper written notice to their current landlord. The unit must be left in good condition and any outstanding monies to the landlord must be paid in full. Please note that participants who move out of their unit in violation of the lease should not be afforded the portability option.
If the client is approved to port out, an appointment will be scheduled. The Housing Specialist will go over porting procedures, client responsibilities, complete necessary paper work needed to port, and issue a new voucher to the client. Please note, it is important to find a new place of residence in the new HCV location within the 60 day time frame as no extensions will be granted.
Porting In Procedures:
To port an existing or new voucher into EHA, paperwork must be received by the initial Housing Authority. If you are a new voucher holder you must be eligible under the income requirements and a police background check must be completed.
Once the issuing Housing Authority has forwarded the paperwork, the voucher holder must contact EHA to schedule an appointment. At the appointment, all necessary documentation must be provided by the client. When the file is complete and approved, a new voucher will be issued. Clients will sign any necessary documents and receive a Request for Tenancy Approval packet. If you fail to contact the EHA, your paperwork will be returned to the issuing agency.
The Housing Choice Voucher Program is not currently absorbing
incoming Portability's.
Portability requests can be faxed to 574-293-0580,
e-mailed to
or mailed to:
Elkhart Housing Authority
1396 Benham Ave.
Elkhart, IN 46516
Attn: Angela Moisenko